Ring, ring! Hello?

Ring, ring! Hello?

Developing Minds Lab @ BU (Boston University)

Who Can Participate

For 3-to 5-year olds

What Happens

In this study, your child will watch a short video where two people will play a pretend game with an invisible telephone. The telephone will be hidden in one of two boxes once one of them leaves, and your child will be asked where they think she will look for the phone once she returns.

What We're Studying

According to previous research, children have a difficult time keeping track of others' beliefs about hidden objects before a certain age. However, this has only been tested with real objects. This study will help us understand how children think about others' beliefs when they are presented with a scenario wherein people are interacting with either invisible or real objects during pretend play.


5 minutes


This study is volunteer-based, so there will be no compensation at this time.

This study is conducted by Rahma Mbarki (contact: rmbarki@bu.edu).

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